
The art gallery "Il Mercante" was born in the mid-eighties through the initiative of the lawyer Luigi Boccanfuso who, together with his children, is its owner.

Luigi grew up with his maternal grandparents and, in fact, inherited his passion for the art world from his grandfather Giorgio Taliercio.

From a very young age he followed his grandfather on numerous business trips to northern Italy, until he decided to discover the world of European antiques, starting to assiduously frequent the numerous and most famous auction houses scattered throughout Europe, which he often likes to repeat, shaped his professional development. Luigi Boccanfuso has cultivated the various sectors of antiques, ranging from paintings to house-hold decorations, but the passion that most attracted him from the beginning of his commercial career has undoubtedly been the world of antique and vintage jewelry, however also including high-quality contemporary jewelry.

In the field of vintage jewelry Il Mercante has made great strides thanks to Luigi’s good taste, his expertise and his untiring nature for travelling. These natural qualities led him to open beautiful shops in the most prestigious areas on the island of Ischia, such as, the Corso Vittoria Colonna, Lacco Ameno and Sant'Angelo, and also led to participation and exhibition with considerable success at the most prestigious international trade fairs in the sector, such as the Hong Kong Jewelery & Gem Fair, The Original Miami Beach Antique Show and the Ja New York Show. Moreover, in Italy, the Mercante is present at both annual editions of the Mercante in Fiera di Parma in Hall 6 where it exhibits at stand K054 Every year, Il Mercante is a destination for famous people, frequent visitors to the island of Ischia and boasts of loyal customers all around the world.
